Disaster Preparedness Resources


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Disaster Preparedness Resources

Be Prepared this Hurricane Season!

Hurricane season is upon us, and National Ombudsman Resource Center has several resources to help ombudsmen, family members and residents in preparing for an emergency event:

Emergency Planning Checklists

Developed by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), these checklists are designed to help individuals or organizations be better equipped for handling emergency situations when they arise by identifying how they can prepare in advance and steps to take once an emergency situation occurs.

The Role of  Long-Term Care Ombudsmen in Nursing Home Closures (PDF)

This Ombudsman Resource Center Document includes a tool kit for local ombudsman response and information on the ombudsman role in minimizing transfer trauma, including sample state and local closure plans and a list of resources and organizations to utilize and involve in the event of a natural disaster.

NORC has many additional resources on the Emergency Preparedness issue page on the NORC website, including sample hurricane assessment and relief forms and sample emergency action plans.

Additional Resources:

Disaster Preparedness Guide for Elders

This 2017 Disaster Preparedness Guide designed by the Florida Department of Elder Affairs has plenty of tips, tools and checklists to help you be prepared for any event.

Disaster Preparedness: Protect Your Home Base

Click on the links below to view the 2021 print edition of the  Disaster Resource Guide for Older Adults in English or Spanish.